Nicolás Garrido
Académico Departamento de Economía y Administración Concepción, Santiago, Viña del Mar
Información académica:
Publicaciones destacadas:
- An analysis of the effect of fiscal expenditure on the income distribution of Chilean households, Journal of Economic Structure (2023) with Jeffrey Morales.
- An Agent-Based and Microsimulated Model of the Epidemiology Impact of Closure of Schools During the COVID-19 Pandemia in the Region of Aysen in Chile, Journal of Dynamics and Games(2023), with Gabriel Brida.
- Public holidays, tourism, and economic growth. Tourism Economics, Volume: 24 issue: 4, page(s): 473-485 (2018) with Franco Barrera.
- Descomposición Sectorial de la Productividad Total de los Factores en Chile. CEPAL Review, (2017) p. 185-203, with Patricio Aroca.
- Tax Evasion Behavior Using Finite Automata: experiments in Chile and Italy. Expert Systems with Applications 39 (5) 5584-5592, with Luigi Mittone. (2012)
- The Allocation of Surplus by Markets: a Framework of Analysis. International Journal of Modern Physics C. Vol. 19(8): 1183-1210. Agosto 2008.